The significance of keeping the human body hydrated with water at all times is very key for the proper functioning of the body which includes the extinguishing of metabolic wastes substances in the body, investing nutrients into cells, and regulating the body temperature at all times. Therefore, the hydration of human body is the replacement of all water and other liquid substances lost through breathing, sweating, and urine.
However, in as much as the staying hydrated is one vital process a human being needs to avail him or herself to at all times, the requisite quantity of water in take needs to be known, that is, the various factors that determines the how many liters of water are needed within a day for an individual.
There are many factors that are scientifically proven base analyses, set to score the amount of water a person can drink which stems from various factors including the gender, activity levels, environment, age, metabolism, and the food they eat.
Now, aside the primary tip of an individual making it possible to add eight glasses of water into his body on a daily; it’s also key to note that, it will be of huge benefits should women take in a minimum of eleven cups (2.7 liters) of fluids each day, while men should drink about sixteen cups (3.7 liters) per day.
Below are the top five ways of staying hydrated The Right Way at all times:
(1) Drink Water When You Wake Up:
Taking in water every morning aids the human body to initiate the rehydration process after waking up first thing in the morning while it also boost the body’s metabolism and eliminate toxins from the night.
(2) Avoid Drinking Too Much Water At A Time:
Drinking a lot of water at a go can possibly dilute significant minerals in the body, causing a medical condition known as the water intoxication.
(3) Take In Water Before Exercising:
It’s very vital for an individual who seeks to embark on the journey of exercising the body to drink water in order to keep up the energy and avert cramps or dehydration, at least take in two glasses of water 30 minutes before beginning the activity.
(4) Drink Water Before And After Eating:
- Before you eat: Please take in water 30 minutes before eating any food to aid your stomach get ready and prevent overeating. Meanwhile, do not drink too much water before eating the meal because it may weaken your stomach acid.
- After eating: It’s imperative to wait not less than 30-60 minutes before drinking a lot of water for digestion not to be disrupted.
(5) Adjust Water Intake Based On Activity:
The in take of water should not be static when your daily routine become very packed on certain days. I advice that the usual eight glasses of water could even be more if you are being very active which is causing your body to be produce more sweat.